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Dimension is This Dimension blog is associated with our main website which was started around 2001 as a hobby to learn computer programming.  Now is used to document articles on low & zero carbon (LZC) technologies, building services heating, ventilation & air conditioning (HVAC), computer hardware & web design and computer aided design (CAD) too.

Whilst the Dimension blog provides snippets of information, our website provides more in-depth articles with dedicated sections for CAD, HVAC, LZC and PC subjects.

Our site area dedicated to Computer Aided Design where provides information and tips on working with CAD and has a selection of free [DWG file] drawing blocks. This is where provides articles with tips and advice for using AutoCAD to include our CAD Shortcut A to Z guide. Take a look here:

Our site area dedicated to mechanical building services to include heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). This section includes information on Analogue and Digital I/O in BMS control systems, thermal storage buffer vessel sizing guidance and MEP spacing rules for installation, access and maintenance. Take a look here:

Our site area dedicated to low and zero carbon (LZC) technologies. provides information and tips on LZC and renewable energy. This section includes articles on equipment such as air source heat pumps (ASHP), ground source heat pumps (GSHP), solar thermal collectors, photovoltaics and biomass boilers. Take a look here:

Our site area dedicated to computer hardware and web design. This is where provides information and tips on website design and links you to the best tips on the world wide web. Take a look here: